step-by-step plan FBI Criminal Background Check

You can easily request your FBI Criminal Background check online via the FBI's secure portal. On this page you can find all the steps you need to take to submit your application successfully.

Step 1: Start your application through the FBI website

  • Go to the FBI CJIS website,
  • Scroll down until you see a blue window on the right side where you can enter your e-mail address
  • Enter your e-mail address and click on the Submit button.
  • You have now received an e-mail with a link and a pin code.

    Please note that when you are prompted to choose between delivering your fingerprints by mail or electronic submission and you are located outside the US or Canada, please select the MAIL option.

Step 2: Open the FBI portal

  • Click on the link in the e-mail you just received.
  • You are now in the portal of the FBI.In the blue box that now appears, enter your received pin code (each application has a unique pin code)

    Step 3: Fill our personal data

  • Submit personal data
  • Enter your personal details on the first page.
    Note: These must match the information in your passport. In America they call the second and third name: middle names.
    You enter your date of birth as they are used to in America: MM/DD/YYYY

    Step 4: Fill out your address details

  • Enter your address details on this page. This is the address to which the hard copy statement will be sent.

    Step 5: Select the right preferences

    Go to the next page. Three questions will appear that you must all answer with YES. So:
    - Would you like your date of birth included on the response? = YES
    - Would you like to receive status notifications? = YES, via E-mail
    - Would you like to have a hard-copy response mailed to you? = YES

    Step 6: Finish the FBI application

  • Complete the application by paying $18 via credit card or PayPal.
  • After payment you will receive a confirmation email.
  • Print this e-mail, because you will eventually have to send it to the FBI together with the fingerprint cards and identity statement.

    What is the next step?

    You've applied to the FBI for your criminal background check. All the FBI needs is your fingerprints. If you are not in America you must provide the fingerprints on hard copy fingerprint cards, this means that your fingerprints are taken with ink on an FD-258 fingerprint card.
    1) Make an appointment to have your fingerprints taken
    2) Provide the personal data that is requested after making your appointment. This information is necessary to prepare the fingerprint cards and identity statement.
    3) During your appointment, your fingerprints will be taken and all documents will be prepared for shipment.

  • Would you like to have the FBI checklist from us? Just send us an email, and we will send you this checklist.

    What happens once my FBI Criminal Background check has been requested?
    Once the FBI has received your documents, the digital result will be available after 2-5 business days. You will receive the hard copy after about three weeks or so (depending on US regular mail and Dutch regular mail)

    FBI Criminal Background Check apostille 
    It sometimes happens that you have to have the FBI statement legalized. This legalization must take place in the country where the document is drawn up, in this case that is the US.
    You can use the services of a provider for this who arranges this legalization at the court in the US. You can also ask a family member / friend to take care of this process.
    If you want to use a company, we highly recommend:

    Other USA fingerprint application?
    Should you need fingerprints for any other particular reason for the United States, we can certainly help you with that as well.
    The most common fingerprint applications in the United States are:
    State Level background checks, Liquor license application, state bar license applications, Teaching license applications, peace corps etc. Send an e-mail or whatsapp message for this and we will help you with your request.

Frequently asked questions about the FBI criminal background check: