Peace Corps fingerprints

11 december 2023

The Peace Corps is an organization in the United States that sends volunteers to developing countries to work on various projects in the fields of education, healthcare, agriculture, and other community development initiatives.

The key points related to the background check process for the Peace Corps can be summarized as follows:

  • Legal History Disclosure: Applicants are required to disclose their complete legal history in the Peace Corps application. This includes any citations, arrests, or charges, regardless of their outcome (dismissed, sealed, or expunged). The application provides space to explain the details of each incident and what was learned from them.

  • Federal Background Investigation: Applicants are informed that even if they have been told they don't need to disclose an expunged case, the Peace Corps requires disclosure of any legal history. This is because these charges can appear on a federal background investigation. Failure to disclose such incidents may lead to the rescinding of the invitation.

  • Case-by-Case Evaluation: The majority of incidents are looked at on a case-by-case basis, and the application process allows for explanations and reflections on the incidents.

  • Interview Process: During the interview, placement specialists will directly ask if there is any new or additional information regarding the applicant's legal history. Applicants are encouraged to speak up if they forgot to mention any charges during the application process.

  • Fingerprint Cards: After the interview, successful candidates receive fingerprint cards by mail, which are used to conduct the background investigation. These cards should only be completed after receiving an invitation.

  • Legal Clearance Process: Upon receiving an invitation, the bulk of the legal clearance process takes place. Applicants receive further instructions via email on how to complete and submit fingerprint cards and other necessary forms. Attention to detail and consistency in information are emphasized to avoid delays.

  • Timely Submission: Timely submission of forms is crucial, and any errors or omissions can lead to delays in legal clearance. Legal forms must be completed and submitted before departing for Peace Corps service.

  • Final Outcome Notification: Applicants will receive notifications about the processing of their legal forms and the final outcome of their legal clearance.

  • Overall Message: The overarching message is to disclose everything, pay attention to details, and communicate with recruiters or placement specialists for any questions or concerns throughout the process.

If you enlist in the Peace Corps and have been provided with fingerprint cards, you have the option to schedule an appointment for the collection of your fingerprints. This step is a crucial part of the legal clearance process, as the obtained fingerprints will be used to conduct a comprehensive background investigation. Following a successful invitation to join the Peace Corps, you will receive detailed instructions via email on how to complete and submit the fingerprint cards, along with additional required forms. It is essential to carefully follow the provided guidelines, ensuring accuracy and consistency in the information provided on the forms. Timely and accurate submission is imperative, as the results of the background investigation are necessary before you can embark on your Peace Corps service. If you have any questions or concerns during this process, the Peace Corps legal team is available to assist you.

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